Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Three Snowbirds

These three birds are undaunted by our snow and cold.  Maybe it's because the winter in their summer habitat is much worse right now.   All were found within along about 50 yards of country road.  It's about location, location etc.  There are crop fields that are enriched by manure from a local farmer.  

Here is the first subject, a Short-eared Owl.  I was waiting for other birds to approach when crows busted it from it daytime roost, and it landed near where I was parked.

When my hybrid is on electric drive, I can inch along the roadside to get into position without disturbing the bird. It is important to stay in the car to avoid stressing the birds on extremely cold days.

Next is another winter visitor, a Horned Lark.  I've shot a LOT of images to get just a few with horns, actually feathers, displayed.  The wind is often  strong and pushes the horns in strange positions.

Larks are small and very shy.  I love the yellow throat patch. Even with a long lens, I need to be within 25 feet for a photo.

Finally, here is a Snow Bunting.  They are even smaller, about chickadee size, and extremely shy. Again the coloration is beautiful.

In only a few days, I expect the lark and bunting to head north until next December.  The owl will likely be in the region longer more difficult to find.

Paul Schmitt


  1. Artfully done and so delightful at this time of year. Fabulous natural colors. You got so close to their faces and I love the full expression. Herb saw a snow bunting recently and was surprised.

  2. Correction - Herb did not see a snow bunting. He saw a bobwhite.
