Thursday, March 8, 2012

Winter Aconite

One of the earliest blooms of the spring is the Winter Aconite.  Possibly the only earlier bloom is Skunk Cabbage which should be the subject of another post for its unique nature. Winter Aconite is one of those early bloomers that herald the coming spring.  As you can see, it is a favorite of bees on those wonderful sunny spring days.  The flowers do not last long.

Winter Aconite is a true ephemeral which bursts through the soil, profusely blooms and by late spring disappears to rest for the next spring.  While found widely in natural areas, it is not a native but rather a garden introduction that has spread widely to become naturalized.  The plant  is in the buttercup family (Ranunculacea), genus Eranthis.    There are around eight species, all in the Eranthis family, originally from a region stretching between southern Europe and western Asia plus Japan.

Paul Schmitt

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